Analysis of Course Transfer Systems Used in Distance Education
Distance education, analysis, Course Transfer SystemsAbstract
Each discipline has its own methods, systems and goals. The communication discipline has some features unlike the others. In this way, people express themselves, receive and transmit news and interact with their environment through their sense organs. Distance education can be defined as a system in which teachers and students in different physical spaces interact and perform teaching-learning activities with the help of various communication technologies in order to provide educational services to wider audiences and to ensure equal opportunities in education. Course transfer systems are used to achieve the main purpose in distance education. Lesson delivery systems enable people to communicate interactively. These systems, which enable the realization of data transfer over the Internet, emphasize synchronous and asynchronous motion picture transmission to very large masses, one-to-one, with small and large groups. In the meantime, however, features such as speaker focus, screen and file sharing, scratch and drawing board are offered to create interaction between users. In this study carried out with the scanning model, these transmission systems have been examined and evaluated in detail.Downloads
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