Methodology of Modern Training Surgery and Traumatology in Ukraine

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  • Alexander OLEYNIK Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Ministry Health of Ukraine
  • Kateryna YAROSHENKO Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Ministry Health of Ukraine
  • Iryna POLULYAH-CHORNOVOL Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Ministry Health of Ukraine


Methodology, Surgery and Traumatology, Training


The structured, multifactor planning of the educational process and implementation of various forms of staging control were conducted. Main objective of this passive method of training – lectures, is formation of an orientation basis for further assimilation by students of a training material, then when a source in this method of training is the word of the teacher that directly reflects its language of culture pedagogical professionalism. Besides, today lecture - as the passive method of study strengthened by such methods of presentation as an illustration (tables, schemes, presentations and so forth) and demonstration (slides, video movies). The organization of educational process according to Bologna Convention giving to us to reorient this form of a passive method of training of students, actually from the lecture - informative to individually - the differentiated personal form, where ideology of lections transition from the educational technology "to drive in of knowledge" to technology "the self-education organizations" medical techniques in the course of training of students on clinical departments, in particularly are used by teachers on a practical training on such subject matters, as: "Emergency Abdominal Surgery and Proctology" (Module No.1) and “Traumatology”, where future doctors used creative situational tasks, enter dialogue with the teacher on occupations through system of questions as teacher to the student, and the student to the teacher that allows to turn the one who studies in "subject" of process of training.quality of preparation of students to practical occupation and their participation as in assimilation of a theoretical material, and acquisition of practical skills and abilities on concrete subject of a subject matter is estimated by the teacher also on the corresponding algorithm in a context of credit and modular system of study with the accepted standardized methods to exposure total converted balls for concrete result.




How to Cite

OLEYNIK, A., YAROSHENKO, K., & POLULYAH-CHORNOVOL, I. (2020). Methodology of Modern Training Surgery and Traumatology in Ukraine. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 18, 185–188. Retrieved from


