Determining Consumers' Expenditure Types in Tourism Marketing: Turkey Example
Marketing, Tourism marketing, ConsumersAbstract
Many factors such as globalization, the increase in demand in health tourism, the development of welfare, the need for social interaction, the increase in entertainment opportunities, the desire for cultural development of people, the increase in faith-related trips provide the development of tourism marketing. Therefore, it is inevitable for businesses performing marketing activities in the tourism sector to develop new steps and strategies in order to compete sustainably. From this point of view, with this study, it is aimed to examine the most common expenditure types of consumers by making use Turkey 2020 TUIK data. When the data obtained from TUIK is examined, it is understood that personal expenditures are mostly made in tourism, followed by food-beverage and accommodation type expenditures. The lowest expenditure type in Turkey tourism in 2020 is tour services. With this study, it is thought that by examining the expenditure types of tourism consumers, it will help the businesses in the sector in terms of marketing activities and in determining the strategies in the tourism sector.Downloads
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