Evaluation of Physical Education Teacher's Opinions on the Field Exam
Physical education, Pre-service teacher, Field examAbstract
The concept of teaching is a profession whose value will never decrease with its meaning and responsibility. Teaching and raising people requires great skill. A long and arduous road awaits newly appointed teachers. Various changes have been made in our country recently regarding the appointment of teachers. Due to the difference between the number of teacher candidates graduating from education faculties and the number of teacher candidates to be appointed by the Ministry of National Education (MEB) in line with the needs, different practices were applied in the way of selecting and appointing teachers during the change periods. Therefore, it is seen that teacher candidates face different problems in this process. The aim of this study is to reveal the opinions of physical education teacher candidates about the field exam. The research is a qualitative study. The research group consists of 20 physical education teacher candidates and this study group was determined by the maximum diversity sampling method. In the research, face-to-face interview technique was used on a voluntary basis with 20 physical education teacher candidates studying at Gaziantep University Faculty of Sport Sciences. In the research, using the interview method, which is one of the qualitative research methods, the data obtained were analyzed by the content analysis method. As a result of the research, it was stated that physical education teacher candidates considered the field exam as boring and tiring. In addition, although the research group generally saw the field exam negatively, it was concluded that the exam was an exam that created anxiety and stress.Downloads
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