Evaluation of Students' Views on Problems in the Graduate Education Process
Postgraduate education, Problem, Student opinions.Abstract
Postgra duate education has become important in terms of scientific specialization and competence. Students; After their undergraduate education, they need postgraduate education both in academic life and in terms of developing themselves. In this respect, it is seen that students experience some problems in postgraduate education. This study was carried out in order to evaluate the opinions of the students regarding the problems experienced in the postgraduate education process. Open-ended questions developed by the researcher as a data collection tool were presented to the students. Using the interview method, which is one of the qualitative research methods, the data obtained from 20 students studying in different universities were analyzed with the content analysis method. As a result, the research group stated that they could not improve themselves adequately in the postgraduate education process and that they could not conduct research. In addition, students participating in the study; They stated that they could not communicate enough with the teachers who entered the course and that they had problems because they came from outside the province. In addition, it was concluded that students did not spend enough time on postgraduate education and that they had financial problems.Downloads
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