Overview of Concepts Covered Financial Literacy in Education
Education, Finance, Financial Literacy, Assessment.Abstract
Financial literacy is a complex structure that includes many attitudes and behaviors, including financial knowledge and skills, as well as access to financial services. There are many definitions of financial literacy in the literature because it contains many knowledge, skills and attitudes and has a complex structure. Financial literacy can be defined as the ability of individuals to have information about key financial concepts such as budgeting, savings, borrowing and investment and to use this information in their decisions. Also, financial literacy is the ability to use basic economic and financial concepts as well as the knowledge and skill to manage financial resources for a lifetime of financial well-being. Two basic elements stand out in financial literacy. The first is that consumers have the knowledge and skills to use financial resources effectively in order to ensure and maintain their financial well-being, and the second is that consumers have the self-confidence and motivation to evaluate this knowledge and skill. From this point of view, this study aims to evaluate the concepts of financial literacy, which has become increasingly important in the education process in recent years, with the support of literature. The reflections of these concepts in the education process were interpreted by the researcher and suggestions were developed regarding the study subject.Downloads
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