Development of Educational Math Game
Mathematics, Educational computer game, Design-based research, Game-based learning.Abstract
The game is an entertainment activity where people who start with the history of humanity have a good time in their spare time. Thanks to the innovations offered by technology in the digital age, people spend their free time in virtual environments. These virtual environments are social media, news sites, video channels as well as digital games. While digital games are a favorite leisure activity for adults, young people are more likely to spend time with digital games. The educational-themed preparation of games, which are currently indispensable leisure time activities for young people, enables them to learn while having fun. It is important to develop educational digital games and present them to young people in accordance with learning. With this awareness, an educational game with mathematical operations activities was developed in the research. In the study, the developmental research method, one of the design-based research method derivatives, was used. In the research, game development stages and mechanics are explained in detail, and the technologies used are presented.Downloads
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