Opinions of Social Studies Teachers on Turkish Education System: Current Problems and Suggested Solutions
Social Studies, Turkish Education System., Ministry of National Education.Abstract
The value given to social sciences in developed societies is increasing day by day. It is a discipline that deals with the individual, social life and events from different perspectives with a scientific approach; It is important for a better understanding of the individual and social events. This work; This study was carried out in order to examine the problems faced by social studies teachers in the social studies lesson and other factors related to the social studies lesson in line with the views of the social studies teachers. In the research, it was aimed to reveal the existing or past problems as they are, therefore, a widely used qualitative design based on consultation was used. This research was conducted with 50 social studies teachers in primary schools in Mardin province, district and village affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. In the research, the data were collected with the semi-structured interview form technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The data obtained in this study were analyzed descriptively according to the previously classified guidelines. When the results of this study are examined, it can be seen how the school situation affects the readiness of the student, the high internal motivation of the student, how the child's genetic and mental codes direct the child, the fact that the financial conditions are directly proportional to the education, what kind of environment he grows up in, the textbook is not sufficient for the exam. Whether there is an additional source or not, the direct reflection of friendship relations or the level of class success on the student, the burden of more responsibility than the student can bear, Results have been obtained such that its existing capacity should be supported socially and economically rather than being very intelligent.Downloads
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