Investigation of Book Reading Habits of Teacher Candidates
Teacher Candidate, Reading Books, HabitAbstract
The aim of this study is to reveal the reading habits of teacher candidates. In the study, it was tried to determine what the pre-service teachers' reading habits were. In the research, open-ended questions developed by the researcher were presented to the teacher candidates as a data collection tool. In the research, using the interview method, which is one of the qualitative research methods, the data obtained from 40 teacher candidates studying in different departments of Gaziantep University in the 2020-2021 academic year were analyzed by content analysis method. As a result of the research, teacher candidates, regarding reading books; They stated that it benefits people in many ways. Teacher candidates participating in the research; They stated that they could not spare enough time for reading because of the exam rush, but they still tried to read books as regularly as they could. In addition, the teachers who participated in the research said that they mostly preferred sports books, personal development books and exam preparation books because of the kpss exam. In addition, it was concluded that reading books in the research group improves people's imagination, gains effective communication skills, and gains the ability to recognize and express themselves more effectively.Downloads
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