Modern Information and Communication Technologies - as an Aspect of Improving the Quality of Teaching Biological Sciences: An Example of Teaching Human Anatomy and Physiology
Information and communication technologies, Competence, Multimedia teaching aids, Pedagogical higher educational institutionsAbstract
The actual problems of modern pedagogy are the use of information and computer technology in the learning process in the classroom on “Human Anatomy and Physiology”, are considered in the work. Today, the Republic of Uzbekistan pays special attention to the use of information and communication technologies in education. Uzbekistan is dynamically integrating into the global information space. Particular attention is paid to providing higher educational institutions with modern ICT tools and computer equipment, in particular, the phased acquisition of computers, servers, wireless network equipment, projectors and other multimedia equipment. The article discusses the features of teaching "Human Anatomy and Physiology" in pedagogical higher educational institutions using information and communication technologies, traditional and didactic lectures, problem-based learning and multimedia teaching aids.Downloads
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