Digital Transformation in the MICE Industry (Powered by Zoho Backstage)
MICE application, Web-based application, ZOHO backstage, MICE industryAbstract
Business challenges happen to operating MICE events nowadays due to the pandemics and the globalization. The management of event planner company needs to improve the performance of the organization by implementing innovations and technologies to survive the business during this situation. ZOHO Backstage is one of the options that event business can apply to operate a digital event with many features related. The objectives of this study are to study the features of ZOHO Backstage, and to provide the knowledge and technological awareness. This web-based event application features are including registration, event stakeholder management (event planning team members, speakers, attendees, sponsorships, and exhibitors), marketing tools, and data analytics. The finding of this study showed that participants who attended the workshop were agree that ZOHO Backstage is one option to use for the MICE event business related to the features together with its characteristics in security and privacy, application performance, and ease of implementation due to the advantages of cloud-based system. Practically the finding of this study will also help event planning company and related organization to improve the knowledge and skills in event application, and able to support the business in the future. This application will be one of the options for them to have competitive advantages for MICE industry.Downloads
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