A Bibliometric Analysis of Artificial Intelligence-Based Stock Market Prediction
Neural network, Stock market prediction, Algorithm, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Sentiment analysisAbstract
The primary purpose of this study is to conduct a scientometrics analysis of stock market forecasts based on artificial intelligence. This research examined 1,301 publications that were published between January 2002 and June 2022. We investigated 183 journal articles among 1,329 papers. In addition to entering the keywords into Scopus, a comprehensive dataset of relevant research papers was compiled. These papers discussed the optimization of investment portfolios, artificial intelligence-based stock market forecasts, investor emotions, and market monitoring. We found the most prolific documents by affiliation, the most prolific author, the most cited papers, nations, institutions, co-authorship maps, inter-country co-authorship maps, and keywords occurrences in this study. Co-authorship analysis network maps and keyword occurrence linkages are generated using the VOS-viewer software. According to our findings, it is evident from the review that the body of literature is becoming more specific and extensive. Primarily, neural networks, support vector machines, and neuro-fuzzy systems are employed to predict the future price of a stock market index based on the composite index's historical prices. Artificial intelligence techniques are able to consider challenges facing financial systems when forecasting time series. Our findings provide actionable guidance on how artificial intelligence can be used to predict stock market movements for market participants, including traders, investors, and financial institutions.Downloads
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