Role of Learning and Knowledge Transfer for Sustainable Development of the Company
Sustainable development, Dynamic capabilities, Knowledge, Company strategyAbstract
Sustainable development and the building of competitive advantages occupy a central place in the company's strategy. The new challenges require finding a balance between the economic, social and environmental aspects of business, through a fundamental rethinking and change in strategic policies, decisions and actions, which in practice means forming a new way of thinking and a model of behavior. The main factor and driver for achieving the sustainable goals is the process of learning and the transfer of knowledge in the company. The aim of the study is to develop a model in which learning and knowledge transfer are a link between dynamic capabilities and the firm's sustainable strategy and the building of competitive advantages. The conducted empirical research confirms the inferred relationships and dependencies in the model. The results prove the extremely important role and importance of information, learning, knowledge transfer and the creation of new knowledge in the company as factors for building the system of dynamic capabilities and developing a sustainable strategy, which allow adaptation to new development trends and realization of strategic goals.Downloads
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