Territorial Organization of Medical Care for the Rural Population on the Example of Russia
Medical services, Rural population, Russia, Factors of territorial differences, TelemedicineAbstract
This article discusses the features of the territorial organization of medical services for the rural population of Russia, taking into account the development of new technologies and the use of these services during the period of the Covid 19 coronovirus infection pandemic. The foreign experience of some countries in the provision of medical services to rural residents at the present stage is analyzed. In particular, what measures are being taken in different countries to improve the provision of primary health care to the rural population, including how telemedicine is used in different regions of the world for this and historical, social-economic and natural factors of the territorial differences in medical care for the rural population in Russia. Among the socio-economic factors, special attention is paid to regional differences in the system of population resettlement, population density, and the level of economic development of the regions. The authors also present regional differences in the development of telemedicine in rural areas of Russia.Downloads
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