Mapping the Progress of Strategic Communication in Austria (1984 – 2020)
Public relations, Communication management, ProfessionalizationAbstract
This paper provides an analysis of the submission trends for the Austrian-PR-State-Award from 1984 to 2020. It was discovered that despite the increased public visibility, specialization, and technological advances in PR, there has been no significant change in the perception and treatment of public relations during this period. A symbolic-interpretive approach to PR is more often practiced than a dialogue-oriented, performance-oriented approach. Furthermore, PR professionals focus more on gaining internal influence than actual performance improvement. As a result, professionalization efforts cannot be fully utilized due to the imbalance resulting from the above. The paper also analyzes the impact of this imbalance and discusses the research gaps that may exist in relation to PR educational and training elements. Possible solutions to enhance the professionalization of the PR industry include a shift towards a dialogue-oriented and performance-oriented practice, along with strong educational systems and training elements to help bridge the gap between research and practice. Additionally, PR practitioners need to have a good understanding of the organization’s goals and abilities in order to be able to strategize for maximum effectiveness. Through these measures, the PR industry can become more adept at managing complexity and leading organizations toward success.Downloads
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