Territorial Management: A Tool for Local Development
Territorial management, Territorial development, Tourism, Sustainable developmentAbstract
Territorial management involves reinventing the territory in terms of projects and promoting its development. It entails guiding transformation processes and altering the territory while considering its specificities and resources, in order to create a development process that engages all local stakeholders. The objective of territorial management is to encourage the development of the territory with the participation of the entire population. It involves building a system of alliances where the population is seen as a stakeholder. This fosters improved institutional cooperation among local authorities, aiming to meet current needs without compromising resources for future generations.Maintaining a fundamental balance between territorial development, social cohesion, and environmental conservation generally requires territorial strategies that involve collective action based on a comprehensive organization, encompassing both economic and social dynamics. The demand for territorial development is increasing, making it essential for Algeria to transform its approaches to territorial action. A developing territory results from collective interaction that anticipates threats and opportunities, devising corresponding territorial strategies.Downloads
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