The Role of Generative AI and Anthropomorphism in Shaping Conversational Marketing: Creating a Matrix for Future Research
Conversational marketing, Digital marketing, Generative AI, Anthropomorphism, Artificial intelligenceAbstract
This research studies the interconnected relationship between Generative Artificial Intelligence and Anthropomorphism in the context of Conversational Marketing. The research highlights the transformative potential of Generative AI and the critical role of anthropomorphism in augmenting user experiences by tracing the evolution of Conversational Marketing in recent years. The paper introduces a novel matrix that highlights the impact of varying degrees of Generative AI and Anthropomorphism on Conversational Marketing outcomes. This matrix serves as an invaluable tool for both academics and industry professionals. It offers profound insights into potential synergies, as well as the challenges that arise from integrating different AI sophistication levels with varying degrees of anthropomorphic designs. The study emphasizes the importance of reaching a balance between the two elements to ensure optimal customer engagement and marketing strategy efficacy. Practical examples from each quadrant of the matrix reveal the real-world implications further, providing a comprehensive understanding of future research directions.Downloads
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