Examining the Strategic Embeddedness of Corporate Security
Corporate security, Integrated security, Maturity levelsAbstract
In comparison with the academic literature on public security, national security, social and economic security, and the challenges of the private security sector, corporate security policies have received little attention in the last decade. This is particularly surprising given that, as in the above-mentioned areas, there is a serious ongoing struggle and competition at the corporate level to meet new security challenges in response to the turbulent environment. The aim of this paper is to examine the strategic embeddedness of corporate security policy and its inherent challenges. The theoretical basis of the study, in line with the above, is provided primarily by the conceptualization of corporate security policy and the presentation of the trends and tendencies in this area. Based on the significant shift in the perception of security in organizations, it is predicted that new challenges and converging risks fundamentally change the security priorities of companies today. The exploration of new aspects of corporate security is done in the form of qualitative research through in-depth interviews with experts. The aim of the research is therefore to analyses the relationship between corporate security policy and strategic planning.Downloads
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