Augmented Reality for Supporting Student’s Engagement in Mathematics Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Augmented reality, Mathematics education, Student engagement, Systematic literature reviewAbstract
Augmented reality (AR) has gained considerable attention in academic research as a primary instructional tool to enhance learning across various educational levels, including mathematics education. AR enables the overlaying of three-dimensional images onto real-world environments within an academic setting. While AR has demonstrated its potential to improve learning outcomes in academic contexts, there is a need for a comprehensive review to identify, assess, and summarize empirical findings related to student engagement, particularly in mathematics education. Consequently, a systematic review was conducted to examine the uses of AR in student engagement in mathematics education. A thorough electronic search was performed on the Scopus database to retrieve pertinent journal articles. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 18 studies were selected for analysis. The results reveal that AR can facilitate student engagement in three key aspects: interactive, collaborative, and immersive experiences. Although AR offers several advantages for promoting student engagement in mathematics education, its practical implementation in educational settings requires careful consideration of AR application and content design and close collaboration between educators and technology. Furthermore, the successful integration of AR technology relies on the well-planned implementation of learning programs that effectively incorporate AR elements for mathematics education.
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