Online Counseling in the Student Context: A Bibliometric Analysis

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  • Ferianti Ferianti Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Juntika Nurihsan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Setiawati Setiawati Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Muhammad Nur - Habibi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Andika Pratama Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Chiara Emi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



Online counseling, Bibliometric analysis, Guidance and counseling


This study aims to provide a bibliometric review of the relevant previous research landscape related to online counseling in the student context from 2000-2023. Data were taken from the Scopus database of 215 and refined into 114 publications. Based on the results from bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer software, it was found that 2020 would be the year with the most published articles, namely, 20 articles. The United States is the country that publishes the most articles related to online counseling in the student context, with 26 publications and 18 collaboration links with other countries, followed by Australia, namely 12 publications with 8 collaboration links with other countries, and Indonesia, namely 10 publications with 11 collaboration links with other countries. The trend of citations related to online counseling in the student context occurred in 2020, with as many as 253 citations. Of the 114 articles that have published research related to this field, 40 have been published in Q1 journals. The focus of research on online counseling in the student context by clustering using VOSviewer software is 1) COVID-19 and mental health; 2) higher education and self-stigma; 3) technology and anxiety.




How to Cite

Ferianti, F., Nurihsan, J., Setiawati, S., Nur - Habibi, M., Pratama, A., & Emi, C. (2024). Online Counseling in the Student Context: A Bibliometric Analysis. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 35, 57–71.


