The Influence of Social Networks on the Social Development of Children
Social networks, Communications, Social development, SocializationAbstract
The development of the computer industry and the internet, social networks have experienced diverse applications. They are necessary tools for work, information and communication. However, their application and dependence increasingly includes children. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Flicker, Viber, Internet, Google, YouTube and others are the most famous and used means of communication between children. They are an intermediary between the two talking parties. They replace verbal, direct communication by sending messages, images, files as codes of indirect communication. Socialization as a process starts from the family, as the primary environment from which the basic postulates of the process are drawn, but as a secondary environment, the wider circle of family, relatives, friends, school are considered. The main goal of this paper is to point out the negative emergent forms of interpersonal communication, as a consequence of the overall rapid technical-technological development and the process of globalization, with a more detailed elaboration of the impact of social networks on the process of socialization among children. The paper will more specifically elaborate this problem through a theoretical presentation and through a specifically conducted research. The theoretical part will include the basic chapters that will contain data drawn from a wide variety of foreign and domestic literature. In my paper I will give a more detailed description of the research process that I will carry out in order to prove the validity and logical foundation of all my theses presented in this paper. It will cover the methodology of the research, the way in which the collected data will be processed, the results obtained, as well as the interpretation of the findings and the conclusions reached. For the comprehensiveness of the topic, in the paper I will try to give a consistent answer to all questions related to this problem.
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