The Impact of GeoGebra in Analytic Algebra: A Bibliometric Review
GeoGebra, Algebra, Mathematics educationAbstract
GeoGebra is a software that is often used in mathematics learning. GeoGebra is an electronic program that contains a set of tools that equip students with mathematical skills. This research aims to look at research trends related to algebra learning that integrates GeoGebra. This research is literature review research, there are 95 publications collected from the Scopus database which are then analyzed using the bibliometric analysis method assisted by the Vos viewer application. Data taken from the Scopus database was refined in 4 stages, namely identification, filtering, eligibility, and inclusion, resulting in 95 publications. The research results show that Spain and Austria are the most influential countries and have high cooperation with other countries in this field. The focus of research related to GeoGebra on algebra material is, 1) geometry and students; 2) GeoGebra and algebra; 3) elementary geometry and computational theory; 4) dynamic geometry and computer algebra. The new themes in this research are symbolic computation, quantifier elimination and real quantifier elimination. This research not only enriches the scientific literature in the fields of GeoGebra and algebra but also provides practical guidance for educators and researchers to improve mathematics teaching and learning methods in the future.
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