RME Educational Game Based on Android Mobile to Increase Students’ Mathematical Understanding Ability
RME, Android, Educational game, Mathematical understandingAbstract
This research aims to: 1) create an RME educational game based on Android about integers called Story Math Game as an edutainment medium for 1st grade elementary school students that contains stories about basic concepts of counting (addition and subtraction), practice questions, and learning evaluations (with various varying levels of difficulty) with the characteristic of using real problems; 2) assess whether the game is suitable for learning mathematics; and 3) describe the increase in students' mathematical understanding abilities who have used RME educational games in learning. This research is research and development (R&D) with a 4D development model. There are four stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate. Data analysis techniques include expert assessment (feasibility test and media quality test) and development testing (one-group pretestposttest design experiment). The feasibility of the RME educational game was evaluated by media and materials experts. The research results showed that 1) educational games reached a feasibility level of 75.00% with good criteria from media experts and 82.32% with good criteria from material experts, 2) the media was tested publicly by 100 parents of students, and the test results The public obtained application quality results of 83.20% with good criteria, and 3) development testing resulted in an increase in the mathematical understanding abilities of 1 st grade elementary school students. Based on the results of the data obtained, it appears that the RME educational game is suitable for use as a mathematics learning medium and can increase the students’ mathematical understanding abilities in 1 st grade elementary school.
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