“Awur Eser” to Explore Number Sense: Hypothetical Learning Trajectory for Integer Material Facilitating Learning Speed
Number sense, Learning speed, Hypothetical learning trajectoryAbstract
This article aims to explore the concept of "Awur Eser" as a potential learning method to enhance students' number sense, especially in the context of learning integer concepts, and to develop more effective and inclusive strategies for mathematics education. We conducted a literature review to identify students’ barriers to understanding integers based on their number sense and learning speed. Then, we conducted a second literature review to design a Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) for integer learning. Subsequently, we held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with mathematics education experts and teachers to discuss and validate the selection of HLT for integer learning. Based on the FGD results, we compiled the final design of HLT for integer learning. This design involves adjustments based on input from experts and teachers, ensuring alignment with students' characteristics and needs. The implementation of HLT hopefully can improve students' conceptual understanding and accelerate the learning process.
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