Cognitive and Pragmatic Features of English Paired Phrases in Use by the Kyrgyz-Speaking Audience
Paired phrases, Pragmatics, Idiomaticity, Function, SurveyAbstract
The article touches upon the issue of significance and difficulties in using English paired phrases by Kyrgyz-speaking audience. There were involved the cognitive and pragmatic peculiarities of paired phrases and their functional aspect can bring the necessity for learning them thoroughly. The relevance of the paper is that the English language has so many categories of phraseological units where paired words carry a great deal of functions and pragmatic features, which in its turn can cause some difficulties in English learning process. Therefore, the main aim of the article is to investigate cognitive and functional features of English paired words and identify their pragmatic role in the speech by Kyrgyz-speaking learners. Those phrases need to be studied separately by considering their structural and cognitive properties as possessing idiomaticity and nonidiomaticity. There were defined and analyzed the classification of paired phrases and their roles in different pragmatic usage. For attaining the aim of the research our task was to conduct method of university student survey to find out the frequency of using English paired phrases and to reveal possible misunderstandings they face. As a result of the paper we have discussed and maintained the solutions of those issues.
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