The Use of Compliments in English by Kyrgyz Learners
Compliments, Speech act, Pragmatics, EFL ClassroomAbstract
People always deal with a certain speech act concerning on the purpose and reasons of communicating. Here when we are concentrated on speech acts, there is a need to have knowledge of different language means from phonemes to the whole text. Within different types of speech acts there is an issue of giving compliments to another one and at the same time responding to this or that compliment which takes one of the most crucial discussions and investigations throughout different languages considering their cultural backgrounds as well. These pre-study observations cause the relevance of this research. Therefore, the main aim of the article is to identify the ways and roles of using compliments in EFL classroom in Kyrgyzstan. The study reveals the fact that complimenting lessons sound more natural and live during different learning sessions and circumstances. The results of the study may be helpful and beneficial for English language instructors and learners as obtaining pragmatic ability and getting ready for further cross-cultural communication stages.
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