Human Resources Management and Lean Management Tolls
Motivation, Training, Evaluation, Leasing, Lean managementAbstract
For more than two decades, Algeria has been seeking to diversify its economy through optimal exploitation of available resources and not relying on energy resources. Therefore, the human resources sector has recently received great attention in Algerian economic policies. This research paper aims to research and show the relationship between human resources management and lean management, by studying a sample of workers in the Aïn Témouchent- Algeria Telecom - that is active in the field of services. Lean management refers to a technology that has been developed with the aim of reducing waste from the production process and maximizing the value of the product or service to the customer, without sacrificing quality, Formulated by Toyota's production system, it is part of the distinct thinking, We used the questionnaire as a main tool for this study, as it was distributed to a random sample of 40 workers in the institution under study.At the conclusion of this study, we concluded that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between training, motivation and lean management, while there is less statistically significant relationship between evaluation, leasing and lean management.
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