Effects of Exercise Training on EEG Activity Patterns during Cognitive Tasks
Exercise training, Machine learning, Brain developmentAbstract
To explore the effective method to detect the effect of exercise training on EEG activity, this paper compared the distinguishability of EEG changes relevanted to exercise training in different cognitive states. EEG signals of college students who have undergone long-term exercise training (exercise training group) and college students who have not undergone such training (control group) were collected under specific cognitive tasks (Motor imagination tasks). Then the power characteristics of alpha wave and beta wave were obtained by wavelet transform method. The machine learning method was used to distinguish the difference of brain electrical activity between the exercise-trained subjects and the control group during the exercise-related cognitive tasks. Results showed that EEG patterns between two groups were not distinguished in rest status (the accuracy is lower than 59%), but they were separable in the completion of the motor cognitive tasks. The accuracy was over 85%. The pattern of brain electrical activity during cognitive tasks can better reflect the effect of exercise training.
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