Importance and Impact of Online Teaching of Sports during Covid-19 Pandemic
Sports education, Online teaching, Health educationAbstract
Sports have a significant impact on the human health, including their physical, mental, and social aspects of well-being. Amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic lockdown, recognizing the constructive influence of sports on people's lives, we conducted a survey among students at Tirana University who participated in online sports classes. Out of the 82 students who completed the questionnaire, 84.1% identified as female, while 15.9% identified as male. In terms of where they practiced sports, 52.4% of the students exercised indoors at home, 29.3% in their garden, and 18.3% in natural settings. Regarding frequency, 16.3% reported engaging in physical activity once a week, 28.7% twice a week, 30% three times a week, 18.8% more than three times a week based on circumstances, and 6.2% every day. Concerning the influence of sports on their ability to cope with the adverse effects of the pandemic, 61.7% of respondents expressed that sports played a significant role in aiding them, while 34.6% acknowledged a moderate impact. Regarding the impact of sports on their emotional well-being, 63.4% of respondents reported experiencing a significantly positive effect, while 36.6% noted a moderate impact following physical activity. When considering the influence of sports on their academic performance, findings revealed various perspectives: 20.7% of students credited the inclusion of sports in their curriculum for aiding in better organization and planning of study time; 22% of them attributed improved concentration during learning to their engagement in sports; a notable 30.5% acknowledged a moderate positive influence and 26.5% reported no apparent impact on their academic performance. In conclusion, despite the challenges encountered by students in adapting to online sports education, it's evident that through the promotion of regular physical activity and cultivation of healthy habits, sports make a substantial contribution to both overall well-being and academic achievement.
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