An Approach for the Development of Nature-Based Planning and Design for Disaster Management Graduate Program
Disaster risk reduction, Nature-based solutions, Planning and designAbstract
It is crucial to make proper planning and design decisions when it comes to reducing the risks of disasters. To achieve this, planning and design practices that focus on nature-based solutions are becoming increasingly important in creating disaster-resilient cities. However, there is a shortage of qualified personnel who can effectively integrate disaster risk management, nature-based solutions, and planning/design practices holistically. As a result, this study aims to develop the framework of an interdisciplinary graduate program to support the training of competent and qualified personnel in the field of nature-based planning and design solutions for disaster management implementations. To accomplish this goal, the study examined national and international studies, nature-based solutions, planning/design approaches for reducing disaster risks, and similar graduate programs and courses. Based on the findings, a basic framework and draft program outputs were developed for the ‘Nature-Based Planning and Design for Disaster Management’ master program (NPDDM). The contribution level of the existing graduate programs and courses under the Departments of Earth Sciences and Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, Institute of Graduate Programs, Eskişehir Technical University were also determined on a 3-point scale. Finally, new courses and course contents that could not be covered or supported by the existing programs were proposed. Although the study only considered the potential contribution of the programs of Earth Sciences and Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, it put forward an exemplary approach to benefit from the existing educational frameworks efficiently for the development of new programs.
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