Exploring the Implementation of Augmented Reality in Indonesia Elementary Schools: A Systematic Literature Review
Augmented reality, Education technology, Elementary schoolAbstract
The swift advancement of technology has not only become an integral part of the reality of the 21st century but has also emerged as the primary catalyst for substantial transformations and disruptions across diverse facets of society, notably within the realm of education. Previous studies indicate that augmented reality, as a result of technological advancements, holds the potential to enhance the quality of the education system by fostering interactive learning. Nevertheless, there is a lack of in-depth and comprehensive research on the application of augmented reality in elementary schools. Hence, this study aims to analyze existing research about integrating augmented reality in elementary school education, assess its impact on learning outcomes, and identify potential implementation challenges. This research followed the PRISMA 2020 guidelines and used Scopus and ERIC as the primary databases for collecting data. Of the 637 data relevant to the search query, only 35 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria. These articles were further analyzed through meta-synthesis techniques. Based on a systematic literature review conducted on the use of augmented reality technology in Indonesian elementary schools, the study revealed the following key findings: Firstly, the development of augmented reality technology exhibits fluctuations. Secondly, the application of augmented reality utilizes existing media and creates new media. Thirdly, its implementation in the educational context yields various positive learning outcomes. Fourthly, challenges arise in terms of the underdeveloped augmented reality media and limited application in one subject area. as well as the preparedness of teachers and students to adopt augmented reality technology. These findings emphasize the critical considerations for future research endeavours in this issue. Despite the potential benefits, further research is needed to implement augmented reality, specifically cultivating 21st-century skills and addressing identified challenges within Indonesian elementary schools.
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