Revitalization of Zoning Policy in Indonesia to Ensure School Availability for Students Based on the School Zoning System in Japan
Zoning policy, Zoning system, School zoning systemAbstract
Education occupies a crucial position in the life of a nation and influences the quality of its future generations. Therefore, every country in the world strives to establish the best education system. One global issue in education is the equal distribution of educational opportunities, and some countries, such as Japan, have successfully implemented the School Zoning System for 30 years, achieving significant educational equity. In Indonesia, zoning policies were implemented in 2017 with the aim of improving access and the quality of education. However, several studies indicate that this policy has not been entirely successful and has even made it difficult for students to secure a place in schools within their designated zones. Through a Systematic Literature Review, this research identifies the challenges in implementing zoning policies in Indonesia, including imbalances in school capacities, lack of flexibility, insufficient coordination, and a lack of transparency. The resulting impacts of these challenges include educational access inequality, psychological effects, and the potential decline in overall education quality. The study also recommends solutions based on the implementation of the School Zoning System in Japan, including increasing school capacities, enhancing zoning system flexibility, improving coordination, and increasing transparency in the student admission process. These solutions can aid Indonesia in implementing zoning policies that ensure school availability for all students in the country.
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