The Relationship between High School Students' Attitude towards Physical Education and Sports Course and Their Sense of Belonging to School
Physical education and sports lesson, Attitude, Sense of school belongingAbstract
The development of high school students' sense of belonging to the school makes them feel happier and more peaceful at school as well as increasing their loyalty to each other. In addition, physical education course has a very important role in terms of students' sportive development, academic development as well as social and psychological development. Considering these two situations, our study aimed to examine the relationship between high school students' attitudes towards physical education and sports lessons and their sense of belonging to school. The sample group of our study consisted of 567 high school students who voluntarily agreed to participate in our research, whose parents' consent was obtained, who continued their high school education in Sivas and Aydın provinces in the 2023-2024 academic year. In our research, personal information form, "Sense of School Belonging Scale" adapted into Turkish by Sarı (2015), "Physical Education Attitude Scale" developed by Gullu and Guclu (2009) were used as data collection tools. According to the results of the analyses of our research; While there is a statistical difference (p<0.05) in the sub-dimensions and total score of the sense of belonging to school and physical education course attitude scale in the variables of the class you are studying in, which school you are studying in, monthly income status of your family, there is no statistical difference (p>0.05) in the sub-dimensions of the sense of belonging to school and total score and physical education course attitude scale in the variables of gender and whether you took part in the school team, and in the sub-dimension of rejected emotion in the variable of the province where you study.
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