Philosophical Analysis of the Interaction of Language and Culture
Culture, Cultural code, LanguageAbstract
In this article, the author examines one of the most pressing problems - the relationship between language and culture, analyzes various approaches to solving this problem, touches on the ambiguous concept of speech culture and norms as one of the components of national culture, dwelling in detail on the consideration of "language as a means of cultural transmission", focusing on the undoubted importance of language as a specific the way culture exists, the factor of formation of cultural codes. The article deals with the problem of the relationship between language and culture. The author traces the development of Humboldt's most productive ideas in research on linguoculturology, which is closely related to cognitology, ethnolinguistics, and pragmalinguistics. The theoretical foundations of the linguistic and cultural approach to the study of linguistic units and speech formations are revealed. The article describes the philosophy of poststructuralism, its prerequisites, the main features of this philosophical trend, the peculiarities of the views of various representatives of poststructuralism on the relationship between language and culture.
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