Behavioral Finance in Financial Activities
Behavioral finance, Financial activities, SLRsAbstract
Behavioral finance has emerged as an important field in understanding how psychological and emotional factors influence financial decision making. Behavioral finance offers a new perspective that explains various market anomalies that cannot be explained by conventional financial theory. The type of data used is secondary data, namely data that is not directly provided to data collectors, this data is obtained from books, scientific articles and internet sites, materials related to behavioral finance. The data collection technique in this research is a literature study that is directly related to behavioral finance. This research aims to explore existing literature regarding the role of Behavioral Finance in financial activities, with a focus on how cognitive biases, emotions, and other psychological factors influence investor behavior and the market as a whole. Through a systematic literature review, this research seeks to identify key trends, research gaps, and practical implications of findings in this domain, so as to provide more comprehensive insights for academics and practitioners in the field of finance.
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