Factors that Influence the Business Performance of Graduate Ventures in the Period of the New Normal
Business performance, Entrepreneurship, Graduate ventures, Resiliency, New normalAbstract
Graduate-led ventures have been shown to contribute positively to the economy. Some of these ventures can even survive and grow in restraining conditions. Learning from these successful entrepreneurs is an ever-important avenue for organizations and firms alike, considering the unprecedented times in the New Normal. In this research, we strove to uncover factors that influence the business performance of graduate ventures through literature review first and then followed by qualitative grounded research. Based on literature review can be built the proposed model, while the result of grounded research validated research model. Indepth interviews were conducted with 31 graduate co-founders who survived the Covid-19 Pandemic. This research was conducted through direct observations at West Java Province, Indonesia. several main factors were found to influence resiliency: Entrepreneurial Experience (EEX), Entrepreneurial Mindset and Characteristic (EM), Collaborative Ecosystem (CE), Digital Marketing Capabilities (DMC), Inspirational Entrepreneurial Figure (IEF), and Adaptive Capabilities (AC). Understanding the factors is essential in helping academicians and other stakeholders determine the strategy to support graduates and students during various academic entrepreneurship stages.
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