Perception and Interpretation of Team Development Phases and Their Changes: Factors Influencing Team Development
Team phases, Team development, Teamwork, Project, Team dynamicsAbstract
The purpose of this research is to evaluate team development and effectiveness in light of the fundamental phases of team dynamics (forming, storming, norming, performing) and the impact of various intra-team issues. The literature review presents these phases, which help in understanding the developmental journey and challenges of teams, as well as factors that can potentially influence teamwork. The quantitative research included 948 respondents, who were asked to assess the extent to which their team had succeeded in developing through collaborative work. The results indicate that the majority of team members positively evaluated their team's progress, especially when they perceived the different phases of team development. A significant correlation was found between the impact of various internal team issues and team development. The findings confirm that recognizing and consciously managing the phases of team dynamics, along with implementing appropriate training, communication, and feedback practices, substantially contribute to team development and effectiveness. Based on the results, recommended actions include raising awareness of the various team phases among members and introducing development programs that promote effective communication and regular feedback, especially during team-building events, to foster trust and enhance internal team understanding.
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