Financial Literacy and Basic Concepts in the 21st Century
Financial awareness, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Revolut, Paypal, BarionAbstract
Today's rapidly changing world has opened a new chapter in human history. New innovations and innovations in finance and in all aspects of life have completely rewritten the scope and nature of the skills and competences needed to succeed in the economy. New players have emerged in the financial world, introducing new products. This new body of knowledge is difficult for each generation, especially the older ones, to adapt to. New products, new payment instruments and new forms of savings have emerged in recent years to which the older generation is finding it difficult to adapt. The aim of my study is to present, on the basis of the results of a questionnaire survey carried out in Hungary, the new solutions and concepts that are having a breakthrough effect in the field of finance. I would also like to discuss the new payment solutions, payment instruments and other general concepts from the point of view of their use, which will be decisive in the future financial world.
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