The Transition Policy from Kindergarten to Primary Education
Education policy implementation, Transition to primary school, Early childhood educationAbstract
This research aims to comprehensively investigate the implementation of the kindergarten to primary school (PAUD-SD) transition policy in Tumpang District. The research method employed is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data collection involved interviews, document gathering using recording tools and notebooks, along with references from relevant literature. Data analysis was conducted using the qualitative analysis method by Miles and Huberman, involving data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. To validate data authenticity, a triangulation approach was utilized, engaging various methods and diverse data sources. The research findings indicate that the implementation of the PAUD-SD policy in Tumpang District has been initiated through socialization by the district's education coordinator. This led to an agreement to establish PAUD-SD communication forums in each village, involving collaboration between Kindergarten and Primary School teachers to plan joint programs such as parenting for new student's parents, exchange visits between Primary School and Kindergarten, and a decision not to conduct mid-term or final evaluations for firstgrade students for the initial 6 months. However, the formal work program is awaiting guidance from the Malang Regency Education Office. The impact of this research underscores recommendations for promptly taking concrete actions to ensure that the establishment of the PAUD-SD transition forums in Tumpang District effectively achieves its objectives.
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