Ethical Organizational Governance: Understanding and Applying Local Wisdom in Creating the Organizational Climate
Ethical governance, Local wisdom, Village governmentAbstract
The objective of this research is to analyze the understanding and application of the local wisdom of Sipakainge', Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi in building climate and organizational governance in the Kadingeh village government that can contribute to ethical and sustainable governance practices. This research uses ethnographic methods with participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and qualitative analysis to explore the understanding and application of the local wisdom of Sipakainge', Sipakatau, and Sipakalebbi in building the organizational climate of the Kadingeh village government, with the aim of presenting an in-depth report on ethical organizational governance in that context. This article highlights the role of Sipakainge', Sipakatau, and Sipakalebbi in shaping a positive organizational climate in the Kadingeh Village Government. These three Bugis local wisdoms-Sipakainge' for open communication, Sipakatau for mutual respect, and Sipakalebbi for effective collaboration-have proven to have a positive impact. Consistent application of these values not only strengthens internal relationships within the village administration, but also expands co-operation between village officials and the community. Theoretical implications include conceptual thoughts on how local wisdom values can be integrated into organizational governance practices, with their impact on shaping an ethical organizational climate at the village government level. The novelty of this research lies in the incorporation of elements of ethical organizational governance, local wisdom (Sipakainge', Sipakatau, and Sipakalebbi), and organizational climate building of the Kadingeh village government, which provides deep insights into the integration of local values in governance practices and organizational culture at the village level.
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