Strengthening Algerian Economic Enterprise Environmental Competitiveness Analysis: The Case of Algeria Telecom in Laghouat
Environmental analysis, Internal environmental analysis, External environmental analysis – competitiveness.Abstract
This study aimes to identify the role of environmental analysis in strengthening the competitiveness of Algeria Telecom, the operational agency in Laghouat. A descriptive analytical methodology was used to analyze the mentioned institution data, and a questionnaire was used as the main tool for collecting the analyzed data using the SPSS statistical software package. A number of results are reached, the most important of which is the existence of a statistically significant positive relationship between the contribution of environmental analysis and the strengthening of competitiveness in Algeria Telecom. In the light of these findings, the study made a set of recommendations and proposals on the subject. It can be concluded that this study enhances the importance of environmental analysis in strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises, especially in the telecommunications sector. The findings and recommendations provided may be important in guiding policies and actions for similar organizations in strengthening enterprises’s competitiveness.
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