ICT integration, E-teaching & E-learning, Primary educationAbstract
Integration of computer and Information Communication Technology (ICT) in education has changed the conventional method of “Chalk and Talk” to “e-Learning and e-Teaching”. While ICT equipment has provided opportunities in open access to a wide variety of digitalized teaching- learning materials as well as speeding up communication and sharing of views among educators, it is yet to reach the desired level due to the current issues and challenges. This study analyses the challenges and issues faced by teachers in public primary schools while using computer and ICT-based teaching equipment in their daily classes. Three hundred (300) teachers in public primary schools in Kuala Selangor district of Selangor, Malaysia, were used as the sample for this study. A self-developed questionnaire which contains 4 different sections including (1) Background of Respondents, (2) The level of computer skills and use of ICT, (3) Barriers on the Use of Computers and ICT, and (4) Suggestion to overcome the barriers was used for data collection. Descriptive statistic and correlation analysis were used for data analysis. The findings indicate that computer and ICT operating skills of the teachers are still in satisfactory stage. Teachers tend to use computer and ICT for their own use rather than uses for teaching and learning process. Time, attitude, training and facilities were found to be among the main influential factors in ICT usage by the teachers. Suggestions to overcome the issues and challenges had been also included in this study that is significant in educational management especially managing ICT in schools.Downloads
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