mathematics lectures, attendance, absence, success, binary logistic regressionAbstract
This study investigates the influence of student’s attendance in mathematics lectures and their final examination success. There are two basic objectives in this study: a) to identify the most common reasons of student’s attendance/absence in mathematics lectures; and b) to identify the effect of the student’s attendance in mathematical courses on their general results. The population of the study consists of the second year students of two different faculties of the SEE-University, students from the faculty of Business Economics and the faculty of Contemporary Sciences and Technologies. A survey is realized during the academic year 2014/15.This paper provides results of a survey completed at the beginning of the summer semester and results of the final success in Mathematics.The results of this survey show that besides the most common reasons of their absence during the lectures/practical hours, as are their family engagements and other part time engagements, there are also some other reasons which are influenced of other different factors. The survey shows that the nature of these other reasons can be classified in different groups such are: the timetable of the lecture/practical hour is not suitable for them; the boring courses; the subject is difficult and they cannot understand, so, there is no reason to take part in it; and also as e reason is mentioned that they simply dislike the subject.Using the method of logistic regression, we have indicated that student’s attendance has a statistically significant impact on their final success in Mathematical courses. These findings suggest that enhancement of student participation, is a crucial aspect of administration which improves their performance. At the same time, the lecturer should also create a good learning environment, to motivate students and enlarge their interest to the course.Downloads
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