Digital devices, educational technology, higher educationAbstract
The technology providing quick and easy online access to information and social activities has undeniable effects on academic lives and study hours of students. It was therefore important to investigate what we know about the impact of digital technologies and social networking sites (SNS) on education. This study investigates the effects of developing technologies and social media on the students’ daily life. The research was conducted with 220 university students. Data were collected using a survey designed for gathering the students’ opinions about the digital devices and social media. The students were asked some questions such as why/how long/when do they use the digital devices and social media. The results of the research indicated that the digital devices and SNS had negative impact on students’ knowledge and learning due to distraction from academic tasks. The study reveals that most of the students spent more time on social media (facebook, twitter, youtube etc.) than academic courses. Detailed results and recommendations based on the academic success are presented in the study.Downloads
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