E-learning, m-learning, pre-school, education technologyAbstract
The importance of technology is incontrovertible in today’s world. The effects of it surround the life of human in everywhere and every time. The young students, especially pre-school period children, learn how to share and socialize, to make cooperation and take place in teamwork. During pre-school period they learn new things and their talents. Children have the chance to learn new things which can affect their grown period. They learn how to use their brain for learning new things and so they can be aware of their talents with the help of this study. In this work, we describe a novel M-Learning process with our M-learning tool. This process is especially developed for pre-school children. The main factor in this process is using the technological devices which affect the education period of children and the teaching period of teachers. This tool also gives a chance for the parents to observe the improvements that occur in the learning capacity of their children and children also can have fun while they are learning new things.Downloads
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