Expert by experience, social work education, technologyAbstract
Biggs (1999) constructive alignment theory describes total synergy in the teaching and learning activities that we use namely: the curriculum itself, the environment in which students learn, the teaching methods and assessment processes. Within UK social work education the Standards for Education and Training as outlined by the regulatory body the Health and Care Professions Council (2009: 31) state: 3.17 Service users and carers must be involved in the programme. This paper will concentrate upon how the approach to course design and delivery has changed within the BA and MA Social Work programmes at The University of Cumbria (UoC) to become a more collaborative and inclusive process. In particular this paper will focus upon how the use of technology has assisted the effective delivery of the UoC’ s Working with Experts by Experience module. This module is designed and delivered by service users and carers and co-facilitated by the social work course team. The module provides opportunities for students to work alongside a variety of service users and carers, in a variety of ways, in order to both understand the range of complexities within the relationship between social work professionals and user groups, and to embed the need for service users and carers to be at the centre of all professional activity and decision making. Reference will be made to the use of podcasts, video, digital narratives and the use of online learning environments.Downloads
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