policy borrowing, policy transfer, teachers` perceptionsAbstract
The purpose of qualitative study was to analyze the process of translating of NIS experience to the mainstream schools and to explore the perceptions of the mainstream school teachers from one pilot school сo-operating with Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (hereinafter NIS), the towards the process of translating of NIS experience to the mainstream schools. The researcher was interested to find out the perceptions of the mainstream school teachers toward the process of policy transfer from NIS. The researcher utilized the qualitative single case study. The instrument of data collection was one-on-one interview: participants were asked to answer to 10 open-ended questions to provide insight on translation of NIS experience to the mainstream schools and teachers` perceptions of this process. The qualitative data were transcribed and analyzed by defining themes and codes. The findings of the research revealed that most of the teachers showed the positive attitudes toward the process of translating of NIS experience to the mainstream schools. Notwithstanding the positive influence, most teachers highlight that more time to measure success of the adopted innovations. Human resources are also important new system different from traditional one adopted.Downloads
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