assessment, feedback, student experience, enhancement, innovationAbstract
This study utilised TESTA (Transforming the experience of students through assessment) to examine assessment and feedback processes and practices within nursing and midwifery under graduate programmes of study at Edinburgh Napier University (UK). TESTA is a tried and tested process that uses validated tools and has been widely accepted by Higher Education Institutes worldwide. Three triangulated methodologies are used to gather data related to current assessment and feedback practice through an audit and the student voice is heard by means of a questionnaire and focus groups. The results of our TESTA approach demonstrated that students experienced mainly summative assessments and a wide range of assessment type yet failed to see the value of some forms of assessment. The findings also demonstrated that students were unclear about goals and standards expected of them and were dissatisfied with the quality and quantity of feedback they received. The study initiated a dialogue amongst staff and served as a catalyst for appropriate changes in assessment and feedback practice within the current programmes. Groups of staff worked on specific priorities within the data and the outcomes of this informed the design and development of a new curriculum.Downloads
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