ICT, teachers’ attitudes, technology integrationAbstract
Under the increasing pressure of globalization epoch, which dictated the need of adopting informatization reform, the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 1997 started operating a systematic state policy for informatization of education. Many scholarly papers show that the success of the educational reform efforts depend not only on the ability of the government to supply all schools with ICT, but also on the ability to make teachers possess positive attitudes toward ICT integration. This study will contribute to the existing knowledge by providing a real picture of the process of ICT integration in Kazakhstani secondary schools through the lens of the main facilitators of this process – teachers. Most of previous studies pointed out that ICT’s successful integration in school is supposed to have a positive impact on students’ academic motivation. However, these topics received little attention in the literature. In order to fill up the gap in our knowledge, the purpose of this paper is to gain insight into the teachers’ attitudes toward ICT, examining the relationship between their attitudes and students’ academic motivation. The study applies the Mixed Methods (a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods) Explanatory Sequential Design, which aims to provide a better understanding of the research problem and questions than either method used by itself.Downloads
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