Mathematics, Computing, EducationAbstract
Currently, it is impossible to think about a modern society dissociated from innovations that have emerged in recent decades. This continuous process of development makes many new devices arise as many become obsolete. This new dynamic brings constant changes, so the school, as integral and fundamental part of this process, needs more than ever to draw its attention to the development of computer technology. Therefore, this project aims to contribute to these many changes, developing a technological tool that helps in the learning process of mathematics and that encourages the students to break with the stagnation of learning basically in the classroom. It also intends to facilitate and offer to the teachers a tool to contribute to the improvement of the classes. The project is the development of a virtual game named “Potencialize-se” which is divided into eight stages’. The contents of the game have been chosen by six students of the 2nd year of the integrated course in Computer Science under the guidance of a teacher of mathematics based on the fundamental prerequisites for a high school diploma to be granted.Downloads
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